September 8, 2010

Ups and Downs

Today I woke up and my foot was painfully sore. It hurt yesterday to walk but when I ran I was okay, until I stopped.. I went to the trainer and was 'diagnosed' with Morton's Neuroma. It feels like a pinched nerve and basically, theres a dome in your foot, and when the dome flattens the nerve is revealed and pressure is put on it. It feels like when you poke on a bruise but every time I step on that foot I feel that between and throughout my 2nd and 3rd toe. In the training room I was able to ice for 20 minutes and use the STEM machine on my foot, it should be okay in a few days :) I was relieved it isn't too serious, but will be repeating that routine each morning for the next couple of days. Lesson learned: listen to your body!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so sorry that happened to you :( I knew a little about it but still, not fun. so glad you're doing better! Can I ask about how it was, being injured on a college team? How were the coaches and teammates? How was the care and the facilities? <3 Anna