August 3, 2011

At this hour

It's 11:00pm and there is just something special about running through Lincoln in the dark. I started running late at night with a few friends from classes and its become the way I spend my summer nights lately, getting in a few extra miles. Nothing lengthy or super speedy for that matter, but rather a run to simply enjoy running. Therapeutic if you will.  I think this is something competitive runners forget to do, I know personally I can get so caught up in the distance or pace of my run or workout that I just focus on what I "need to do" and forget what I love to do. So yes, at this hour I could be sleeping, but its at this hour in the day that I can relax my mind and reacquaint with how much I enjoy the casual late night stroll.

1 comment:

annabananaconda said...

love this! <3 sounds amazing. oh the simple joy of running :)