September 13, 2011

Dusting off the Flats

Our first meet was two weeks ago at the Creighton/UNO Classic in Omaha. Our women won again with a great 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 finish good job ladies! Individually, despite a lingering foot injury I finished the first race of the season- and my first race since March! While the time is anything but blazing, I had a lot to battle physically and even mentally. Needless to say, training has been going a lot better- I think yesterday's workout is the first thing I've completed and been truly proud of in awhile, the kind of proud that you finish a repeat and smile :) Tomorrow is a sort of shake out "speed" workout to get our legs ready for the race on Saturday, our solo home meet at Pioneer's park, the Woody Greeno Invitational; and the last home meet for our coach Jay Dirksen who will be retiring in December. This weekend should bring many spectators as some of the team's alumni will be returning to their "alma mater course" to support the Huskers for our meet and a retirement ceremony for Jay. The weekend is feeling promising, and without too high of expectations I am hoping to run well and continue improving along my comeback journey as an elite runner! GO BIG RED!

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