January 28, 2011

Mind Over Matter

It is interesting just how much you can accomplish when your attitude or mindset on a subject changes. After training for and racing two 5k's on the indoor track, I recently switched to the 1000-1500m training group, focussing on shorter intervals at a much faster pace. I had my first workout with this group on Tuesday and it went really well. I felt a lot more comfortable with the type of workout (we did 200-800-200, 200-600-200, 200-400-200, 100-200-100). In high school I would train with some of the middle distance girls, doing 300 reps and 400m pacing, so switching into this type of workout felt like an easier transition, something familiar. Take it from me, running is mental. It is a mental challenge and a game of confidence, those two aspects can change everything. It is incredible how much more in shape I felt after running only one workout, I know that my body wasn't any different on Tuesday than it was last Friday, but my mentality was completely changed. Switching groups has helped me become a more confident runner and has given me a sense of confidence and assurance that I lacked before. The main lesson I have to share with you readers is this: communication is key, know what works for you. Its as simple as that.


Running Bums said...

Very cool! We are always changing, yet a part of us always remains the same!

Anonymous said...

Amazing advice once again! (this post and the post before). So glad you found your niche! <3 Anna